Inspire Group Blog

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10 Tips for Building More Accessible eLearning

People with impairments or disabilities often battle barriers to many aspects of life, including...

Mastering BANI: Learning design in an uncertain world

Acronyms are as popular in New Zealand as the good old cheese scone or cheese roll, depending on...

5 Slip-Ups Managers Make when Building an L&D Strategy

With the change-over from one calendar year to the next, comes a fresh perspective and plenty of...

5 Actionable Ways to create a culture of learning in your organisation

You see a bunch of memes being shared everywhere on a specific topic. You feel a bit lost as you...

Thoughts on being inspired – Semi-Permanent Wellington 2022

Writing is uncomfortable for me. I work better in the visual sphere, that’s my jam. That’s where I...

Telltale Signs that Your Learning Isn't Suited to a Hybrid Workforce

Work life changed dramatically in 2020. It became the year of business at the top and trackies at...

Learning Below the Line

There’s a story out of Rotorua in NZ that has lessons for the learning industry if we choose to go...

How to write well for better learning

How often when we’re writing up the requirements of a role – any role really – we include “written...

The 3 Different Types of Failure

We addressed the other F word in the last post and wondered why its not discussed more in learning...

How to Embrace Failure in Learning

“To Fail is Human” ...okay, it's not quite Alexander Pope but you get the idea. Failure!

15 Tips to Get Your Team Hungry For Learning

Ever had to sit through bad learning trying your hardest to seem interested? Or perhaps you’ve...

Reflecting on Te Wiki o te Reo Māori at Ohu Inspire

Ehara tāku toa I te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini My strength is not as an individual, but...

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